Preventing Low Back Pain
If you think you have hurt yourself in a specific way-like bending forward, please refrain from doing it. In fact, if it hurts bending forwards try bending a little bit back, in the opposite direction. Also, try to relax your muscles, especially your stomach muscles when you have low back pain.

Keep Fit
Regular exercise helps maintain mobility and strength, but only if it’s done without pain! Walking, swimming and cycling are all excellent exercises.
Warm up
Whether you are doing sports, gardening or DIY’ing, you need to warm-up your muscles first. A brisk walk and some gentle stretching first could prevent that painful muscle pull.
Cool Down
Stretching out after exercise or physical activity is just as important as warming up. Do it gently without pain, and don’t ‘bounce’ – just stretch and hold.
Listen to your back: Pain is a warning sign
If what you are doing hurts, please stop. Don’t try to push through the pain.
Rest on a firm and supportive bed
Beds can be too hard. They should be firm enough so that they don’t sag in the middle, but they should still give enough to let your shoulders and hips sink in slightly.
Don’t stoop and twist
This is the most common cause of back injuries even without lifting anything. Picking up a briefcase or your shopping out of the boot of a car are classic examples.
Don’t sit for too long
Whether at work or in the car, prolonged sitting causes load on the discs and weakness of the muscles. Get up and move about every 30-40 minutes – even if it’s only for a minute.
Never sleep on your stomach
It doesn’t do your back or your neck any good at all.
See your Chiropractor
If you are suffering a long term problem, whether it is “niggly” or disabling – we can usually give you marked relief and an improved quality of life, as well as decreasing the likelihood of a recurrence.

Schedule an appointment today
01788 565100
80 Clifton Road
CV21 3QX
Opening Hours
Mon: 09:00 - 18:00
Tue: 08:30 - 19:00
Wed: 09:00 - 18:00
Thu: 09:00 - 18:00
Fri: 08:30 - 19:00
Sat: 09:00 - 13:00